Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welp, here we go....

My first blog.... ever.  I have questioned on whether or not this is something that is necessary to do for myself and for others.  After pondering this question (being pressured by my fellow US2 and Mission Intern bloggers!), I caved and created my very own blog.

So bare with me (and I will surely bare with myself) when I either ramble too much, or get off topic a bit, or have not a whole lot of constructive things to say.... My hope is is that my blogging will significantly improv over the next few years.  No harm in trying it out, right?

Currently, I am in Stony Point, New York, and myself and 25 other Mission Interns and US-2s are training and preparing ourselves once we are off to our placements sites.  Training consists of long days, many sessions, fellowship, worship, and having the opportunity to make life-long friends.  Emotionally, physically, and spiritually preparing myself for the next 2 years doing mission work is much easier when I am surrounded by people who are going through the same experience.  The love and comfort that comes from this group of individuals is so unique and so precious, I never want to leave!

Being cooped up in a retreat center gets quite exhausting, but we are learning so much and will be leaving these next 3 weeks with more than I could ever imagine.  On August 18th, we will be commissioned as missionaries in the Methodist Church.  Super stoked <3 !!

Yup, that sounds good for now.  It is very difficult trying to put my thoughts in words... And for my first try, I do not think I did half bad.

Till next time :]

Love always,

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're doing this! I will still read it even if you do ramble :)
