Friday, February 10, 2012

Something Different

Dear Awesome, Amazing, Beautiful, Heavenly God,
Allow the questions that flow through my fingers to be yours.  Directed to no one in particular.  To know that some will be answered, but to also know that we may never know the answers to others.
When in your life have you let God take complete control?  When in your life have you allowed nothing to fill your mind but the Holy Spirit?  When in your life have you silenced the chaos in the world, the chaos in your neighborhood, and the chaos in your heart?  When in your life was the last time you stopped... and prayed?  When in your life was the last time you had a conversation with a stranger?  When was the last time you laughed until you cried?  When in your life did you see the true beauty of the nature that surrounds you?  When was the last time you looked at another human being and thought 'They are different, and they are beautiful'? When was the last time you held hands with a stranger? When was the last time you smiled at a stranger?  When is the last time you allowed yourself to be spiritually vulnerable?  When was the last time you shared your faith with someone else?  When in your life have you felt so loved that it overwhelmed you?  When was the last time you thanked God for giving you the grace to love? When in your life have you felt the most spiritually and faithfully sound with God?  When was the last time you smiled at God?  When was the last time you acknowledged that God is playful?  When in your life have you been confident in releasing your worries and doubts because you know that God is there?  When in your life have you felt free... because you know that God is smiling over you?  When in your life have you felt a peace in your heart that surpasses all understanding?
I have not all the answers.  I only have questions.  I will seek You always.

Prayer.... Something that I have struggled with for a long time.
I was recently told that there is no wrong way to pray.  That it is a conversation.  A conversation that could be heard by many, but only truly understood by God.
So I began to experiment... and found the best form of prayer for me is...

To ask questions.

Thirty percent of the time, I ask God questions.  Seventy percent of the time, God asks me the questions.
Together, God and I, are not searching for answers... We are searching for the comfort of each other.
Together, God and I, do not need immediate results... We need to know that we are listening to one another.
Together, God and I, are not questioning our faith... We are strengthing our connection.

This prayer was specific to When.  I think When questions are awesome to ask because they allow the mind to wander to places that sometimes do not get visited enough by our memory.  The memory floods throughout my body and I get to remember Who was there, What happened, Where I was, Why did that moment happen, How has that moment changed me.  The point of asking When questions is not to find the answers, but to allow me to realize how much I have done, and what I still have to look forward to.
I do not pray out loud often.  But today it felt organic to share that pray with you.

My roommates and I have made it habit (more or less) to take time out of our night schedules, and pray together.  And let me tell you, I can feel a difference in out household.  I cannot lay a finger on what the difference is... But it is there, and it is beautiful. Prayer is beautiful.
All types of prayer is acceptable.  There is not wrong or right way to pray, that is something that I have had to learn.  I now make an effort to take 5 minutes out of my schedule daily and make time for me and God.  It actually is not that hard to take time and no one is ever too busy to stop... and pray. 

So I ask... How do you pray? 

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